per Operatori del Benessere Immateriale
THE NEW STATE di Mary Parker Follett | |
Intro - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - Appendice - Torna a indice | |
The Occupational Group IN the last two chapters I have taken up the two fundamental laws of life -- the law of interpenetration and the law of multiples. (1) Sovereignty, we have seen, is the power generated within the group -- dependent on the principle of interpenetration. (2) Man joins many groups -- in order to express his multiple nature. These two principles give us federalism. Let us, before considering the conception of federalism in detail,
sum up in a few sentences what has already been said of these two
principles. The fundamental truth of life we have seen is self-perpetuating
activity -- activity so regnant, so omnipresent, so all-embracing,
that it banishes even the conception of anything static from the world
of being. Conscious evolution means that we must discover the essential
principle of this activity and see that it is at work in the humblest
of its modes, the smallest group or Only the federal state can express this dual principle of existence
-- the compounding and the multiple compounding. It is an incomplete
understanding of this dual law which is responsible The distributive sovereignty school assumes that the essential,
the basic part of federalism is the division of power between the
central and separate parts: while the parts may be considered as ceding
power to the central state, or the central state may be considered
as granting power to the parts, yet in one form or 1. Quoted by Duguit. In spite of all our American doctrines of the end of the eighteenth
century, in spite of our whole history of states-right theory and
sentiment, the division of sovereignty is not the main fact of the
United States government. From 1789 to 1861 the idea of a divided
sovereignty -- that the United States was a voluntary agreement between
free, sovereign and independent states, that authority was "divided"
between nation and states -- dictated the history of the United States.
The war of 1861 was fought (some of 1. It must be remembered, however, that while in the Civil War we
definitely gave up the compact theory held by us since the Mayflower
compact, yet we did not adopt the organism theory. Do we then want a central government which shall override the parts
until they become practically non-existent? The moment federalism
attempts to transcend the parts it has become vitiated. 1. Duguit says that the United States confers the rights of a state on a territory. No, it recognizes that which already exists. Of course it is true that many Americans do think of our government
as a division of powers between central and local authority, therefore
there is as a matter of fact much balancing of interests. But as far
as we are doing this at Washington it is exactly what we must get
rid of. The first lesson for every member We have not indeed a true federalism in the United States to-day;
we are now learning the lesson of federalism. Some one must analyze
for us the difference between centralization and true federalism, And it is by no means a question only of what the federal government
should do and what it should not do. It is a question of the _way_
of doing. It is a question of guiding, where necessary, without losing
local initiative or local responsibility. It is a question of so framing
measures that true federation, not centralization, be obtained. Recently,
even before the war, the tendency has been towards increased federal
action and federal control, as seen, for instance, in the control
of railroad transportation, of vocational education etc. The latter
is an excellent example of the possibility of central action being
true As we watch federalism being worked out in actual practice at Washington,
we see in that practice the necessity of a distinction which has been
emphasized throughout this book as the contribution of contemporary
psychology to politics: nationalization is the Hegelian reconciliation,
true federalism is the integration of present psychology. This means
a genuine integration of the interests of all the parts. If our present
tendency is towards nationalization, we must learn the difference
between that and federalism and change it into the latter. We need
a new order of statesmen in the world to-day -- for our nation, for
our But I have been talking of federalism as the integration of parts
(the states). We should remember also, and this is of the greatest
importance, that the United States is not only to be the _states_
in their united capacity, but it is to be all the men and women of
the United States in _their_ united capacity. This it seems difficult
for many Europeans to understand; it breaks across their traditional
conception of federalism which has been a league, a confederation
of "sovereign" parts, not a true federal state. We of America has not led the world in democracy through methods of representation,
social legislation, ballot laws or industrial organization. She has
been surpassed by other countries in all of these. She leads the world
in democracy because through federalism she is working out the secret
of the universe actively. Multiple citizenship in its spontaneous
unifying is the foundation of the new state. Federalism and democracy
go together, you do not decide to have one or the other as your fancy
may be. We did not establish federalism in the United States, we are
growing federalism. The federal state is the unifying state. The political pluralists,
following James, use the "trailing and" [1] argument to
prove that we can never have a unified state, that there is always
something which never gets included. I should use it to prove that
we can and must have a unifying state, that this "and" is
the very 1. "The word 'and' trails along after every sentence. Something always escapes. . . . The pluralistic world is thus more like a federal republic than like an empire or a kingdom." "A Pluralistic Universe," 321-322.
Thus it is the federal state which expresses the two fundamental principles of life -- the compounding of consciousness and the endless appearings of new forces. I have said that the pluralists' mistaken interpretation of federalism
includes the particularist notions of "consent" and "rights"
and "balance," and that all these come from a false conception
of sovereignty. What does the new psychology teach us of "consent"?
Power is generated within the true group not by one or If divorce is to be allowed between the state and this group or
that, what are the grounds on which it is to be granted? Will incompatibility
be sufficient? Are the manufacturing north and agricultural south
of Ireland incompatible? Does a certain trade association want, like
Nora, a "larger life"? The pluralists open The pluralists assume that the unified state must always claim authority over "other groups" [1]. 1. When they say that the passion for unity is the urge for a dominant One, they think of the dominant One as outside. But as he who expresses the unity of my group has no authority over
me but is simply the symbol and the organ of the group, so that group
which expresses the unity of all groups -- that is, the state -- should
have no authority _as a separate group_, but only so far as it gathers
up into itself the whole meaning of these constituent groups. Just
here is the crux of the disagreement between the upholders of the
pluralistic and of the true monistic state: the former think of the
other groups as "coextensive" or "complementary"
to the state -- the state is one of the groups to which we owe obedience;
to the latter they and all individuals are I have said that our progress is from Contract to Community [2]. 2. See ch. XV. 3. Mr. Laski is an exception to many writers on "consent." Secondly, in the divided sovereignty theory the old particularist
doctrine of individual rights gives way merely to a new doctrine of
group rights, the "inherent rights" of trade-unions or ecclesiastical
bodies. "Natural rights" and "social compact"
went together; the "inherent rights" of groups again tend
to make the 1. Wherever you have the social contract theory in any form, and
assent as the foundation of power, there is no social process going
on; the state is an arbitrary creation of men. Mr. Barker speaks of the present tendency "to restrict the
activity of the state in order to safeguard the rights of the groups."
Many pluralists and syndicalists are afraid of the state because for
them the old dualism is unsolvable. But as I have tried to show in
the chapter on "Our Political Dualism" that the rights As long as we settle down within any one group, we are in danger
of the old particularism. Many a trade unionist succumbs to this danger.
Love of a group will not get us out of particularism. We can have
egoism of the group as well as egoism of the individual. Particularism of the individual is dead, in theory if not in practice. Let us not now fall into the specious error of clinging to our particularism while changing its name from individual to group. The outcome of group particularism is the balance of power theory, perhaps the most pernicious part of the pluralists' doctrine. The pluralist state is to be composed of sovereign groups. What is their life to be? They are to be left alone to fight, to compete, or, word most favored by this school, to balance. With de Maeztu the balance of power is confessedly the corner-stone of the new state. "The dilemma which would make us choose between the State and anarchy is false. There is another alternative, that of plurality and the balance of powers, not merely within the nation but in the family of nations" [1]. 1. This is perhaps a remnant of the nineteenth-century myth that competition is the mode of progress. But whenever you have balance in your premise, you have anarchy in your conclusion. The weakness of the reasoning involved in the balance of power argument
has been exposed in so much of the war literature of the last three
years, which has exploded the balance of power theory between nations,
that little further criticism is needed here. It seems curious that these two movements should be going on side
by side: that we are giving up the idea of the balance of nations,
that we are refusing to think any longer in terms of "sovereign"
nations, and yet at the same time an increasing number of men should
be advocating balancing, "sovereign" groups within nations. The practical outcome of the balance theory will be first antagonistic interests, then jealous interests, then competing interests, then dominating interests -- a fatal climax. The trouble with the balance theory is that by the time the representatives
of the balancing groups meet, it is too late to expect agreement.
The chief objection to pluralism is, perhaps, that it is usually merely
a scheme of representation, that its advocates are usually talking
of the kind of roof they want before When the desire to prevail is once keenly upon us, we behave very
differently than when our object is the seeking of truth. Suppose
I am the representative in Congress of a group or a party. A bill
is under consideration. I see a weakness in that bill; if I point
it out some one else may see a remedy for it and the bill may be immensely
improved. But do I do this? Certainly not. I am so afraid of the bill
being lost if I show any weakness in it that I keep this insight to
myself and my country loses just so much. I cannot Moreover, it is often assumed that because the occupational group is composed of men of similar interests we shall have agreement in the occupational group; it is taken for granted that in these economic groups the agreement of opinion necessary for voting will be automatic. But do poets or carpenters or photographers think alike on more than a very few questions? What we must do is to get behind these electoral methods to some fundamental method which shall _produce_ agreement. Moreover, if the Cabinet were made up of these warring elements,
administration would be almost impossible. Lloyd-George's Cabinet
at present is hampered by too much "difference." I have
throughout, And if you had group representation in England would not the Cabinet be made up of the most powerful of the groups, and would not a fear of defeat at any particular time mean overtures to enough of the other groups to make success in the Cabinet? And would not an entirely improper amount of power drift to the Premier under these circumstances? Have we any leaders who would, could any one trust himself to, guide the British Cabinet for the best interests of Great Britain under such conditions as these? To sum up: a true federalism cannot rest on balance or group-rights
or consent. Authority, obedience, liberty, can never be understood
without an understanding of the group process. Some of the advocates
of guild socialism oppose function to authority and liberty, but we
can have function _and_ liberty _and_ |
The Occupational Group I HAVE spoken of the endeavor of the pluralist school to look at
things as they are as one of its excellencies. But a progressive political
science must also decide what it is aiming at. It is no logical argument
against a sovereign state to say that we have not one at present or
that our present particularistic states are not successful. Proof
of actual plural sovereignty does not constitute an argument against
the ideal of unified or rather a unifying sovereignty. The question
is do we want a unifying state? And if The old theory of the monistic state indeed tended to make the state
absolute. The pluralists are justified in their fear of a unified
state when they conceive it as a monster which has swallowed up everything
within sight. It reminds one of the nursery rhyme of one's childhood: The pluralists say that the monistic state _absorbs_ its members.
(This is a word used by many writers) [1]. But the ideal unified state
is not all-absorptive; it is all-inclusive -- a very different matter:
we are not, individual or group, to be absorbed into a whole, we are
to be constituent members of the whole. I am 1. p 39 note. The failure to understand a unifying state is responsible for the
dread on the one hand of a state which will "demand" our
allegiance, and on the other of our being left to the clash of "divided"
allegiances. Both these bugbears will disappear only through an understanding
of how each allegiance can minister to every other, and also through
a realization that no single group can embrace my life. It is true
that the state as state no more than family or trade-union or church
can "capture my soul." But this does not mean that I must
divide my allegiance; I must find how I can by being loyal to each
be loyal to all, to the whole. I am an American with all my heart
and soul and at the same time I can work daily for Boston and Massachusetts.
I can work for my nation through local machinery of city or neighborhood.
My work at office or factory enriches my family life; my duty to my
family is my most pressing incentive to do my best work. There is
no competing here, but an infinite number of filaments cross and recross
and connect all my various allegiances. We should not be obliged to
choose between our different groups. Competition is not The true state must gather up every interest within itself. It must
take our many loyalties and find how it can make them one. I have
all these different allegiances, I should indeed lead a divided and
therefore uninteresting life if I could not unify them, But the true state does not "demand" my allegiance. It is the spontaneously uniting, the instinctive self-unifying of our multiple interests. And as it does not "demand" allegiance, so also it does not "compete" with trade-unions etc., as the present state often does, for my allegiance. We have been recently told that the tendency of the state is to be intolerant of "any competing interest or faith or hope," but if it is, the cure is not to make it tolerant, but to make it recognize that the very substance of its life is all these interests and faiths and hopes. Every group which we join must increase our loyalty to the state because the state must recognize fully every legitimate interest. Our political machinery must not be such that I get what I need by pitting the group which most clearly embodies my need against the state; it must be such that my loyalty to my trade-union is truly part of my loyalty to the state. When I find that my loyalty to my group and my loyalty to the state
conflict (if I am a Quaker and my country is at war, or if I am a
trade-unionist and the commands of nation and trade-union clash at
the time of a strike), I must usually, as a matter of immediate action,
decide between these loyalties. But my duty to I feel capable of more than a multiple allegiance, I feel capable
of a unified allegiance. A unified allegiance the new state will claim,
but that is something very different from an "undivided"
allegiance. It is, to use James' phrase again, a compounding of allegiances.
"Multiple allegiance" leaves us with the abnormal idea We need not fear the state if we could understand it as the unifying power: it is the state-principle when two or three are gathered together, when any differences are harmonized. Our problem is how all the separate community sense and community loyalty and community responsibility can be gathered up into larger community sense and loyalty and control. One thing more it is necessary to bear in mind in considering the
unified state, and that is that a unifying state is not a static state.
We, organized as the state, may issue certain commands to ourselves
today, but organized as a plastic state, those commands may change
to-morrow with our changing needs and changing ideals, and they will
change through _our_ initiative. The true state is neither an external
force nor an unchanging force. Rooted in our most intimate daily lives,
in those bonds which are at the same time the strongest and the most
pliant, the "absolutism" of the true state depends always
upon _our_ activity. The objectors to the unified state seem to imply
that it is necessarily a ready-made state, with hard and fast articulations,
existing apart from us, imposing its commands upon us which we must
obey; but the truth is But every objection that can be raised against the pluralists does not I believe take from them the right to leadership in political thought. First, they prick the bubble of the present state's right to supremacy. They see that the state which has been slowly forming since the Middle Ages with its pretenses and unfulfilled claims has not won either our regard or respect. Why then, they ask, should we render this state obedience? "[The state must] prove itself by what it achieves." With the latter we are all beginning to agree. Genuine power, in the sense not of power actually possessed, but
in the sense of a properly evolved power, is, we have seen, an actual
psychological process. Invaluable, therefore, is the implicit warning
of the pluralists that to attain this power is an infinite task. Sovereignty
is always a-growing; our political Moreover, recently some of the pluralists are beginning to use the phrase cooperative sovereignty [1] which seems happily to be taking them away from their earlier "strung-along' sovereignty. If they press along this path, we shall all be eager to follow. 1. Mr. Laski, I think. Secondly, they recognize the value of the group and they see that the variety of our group life to-day has a significance which must be immediately reckoned with in political method. Moreover they repudiate the idea that the groups are given authority by the state. An able political writer recently said, "All other societies rest on the authority given by the state. The state itself stands self-sufficient, self-directing. . . ." It is this school of thought which the pluralists are combating and thereby rendering invaluable service to political theory. Third, and directly connected with the last point, they plead for
a revivification of local life. It is interesting to note that the
necessity of this is recognized both by those who think the state
has failed and by those who wish to increase the power of the state.
To the former, the group is to be the substitute for the In the fourth place the pluralists see that the interest of the state is not now always identical with the interests of its parts. It is to the interest of England to win this war, they say, but England has yet to prove that it is also for the interest of her working people. In the fifth place, we may hail the group school as the beginning
of the disappearance of the crowd. Many people advocate vocational
representation because they see in it a method of getting away from
our present crowd rule, what they call numerical representation. 1. It does not matter in the terms of which branch of study you express it -- philosophy, sociology, or political science -- it is always the same problem. What is the law of politics that corresponds in importance to the
law of gravitation in the physical world? It is the law of interpenetration
and of multiples. I am the multiple man and the multiple man is the
germ of the unified state. If I live fully I become so enriched by
the manifold sides of life that I cannot be narrowed down to mere
corporation or church or trade-union or any other special group. The
miracle of spirit is that it can give itself utterly to all these
things and yet remain unimpaired, unexhausted, undivided. I am not
a serial story to be read only in the different installments of my
different groups. We do not give a part to one group and a part to
another, but we give our whole to each and the whole remains for every
other relation. Life escapes its classifications and this is what
some of the writers on group organization do not seem to understand.
This secret of the spirit is the power of the federal principle. True
federation multiplies Let the pluralists accept this principle and they will no longer
tell us that they are torn by a divided allegiance. Let them carry
their pragmatism a step further and they will see that it is only
by actual living that we can understand an undivided allegiance. James
tells us that "Reality falls in passing into conceptual |